Why does the company need to find a community manager?

Why does the company need to find a community manager?


His role

The company’s image on the Web depends on the publications of the community manager. He will forge a relationship of affinity and trust between the company and Internet users. He must be interested in discussion forums, blogs and influencers dealing directly or indirectly with the activity of the company in order to create interactions and discussions around the company and therefore visibility. He will have to analyze and regularly share his exchanges with Internet users, with the services concerned for a good reactivity. He will also be able to work on the overall communication strategy of the company which he will then develop on social networks.

His daily life on social networks

The community manager sets up an editorial calendar and identifies the highlights of the news to find the right publications related to these highlights and the company. He will spend a large part of his time creating a dialogue and a permanent link with his community through publications in line with the target audience. A community manager must not only connect every day to the company’s social networks to interact with Internet users by answering their questions and creating an exchange, but also to monitor what is being said about the company or the daily sector. He must also moderate the comments made by his community and ensure that the animation charter of social networks is respected. Its actions will increase the reputation of the company,

His qualities

Common sense is essential! It is not necessary to specify that a good community manager, spokesperson for the company on the Internet, must always have a positive attitude and know how to handle moderation without falling into censorship. He must therefore be emphatic and altruistic, like a good salesperson who seeks the best for his client. He must always respond diplomatically to negative assessments by avoiding deleting the comments, but by answering them with questions to better understand the problem and by acknowledging the “fault”, if there was fault. He must have an excellent general knowledge and an irreproachable writing. Spelling mistakes are obviously to be banned. He must be curious, positive, emphatic, organized, and if possible have a sense of humor while remaining perfectly professional.

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